Late Breaking Abstract Submission

On behalf of Organising Committee of the British Pain Society - 56th Annual Scientific Meeting,
we would like to thank you for submitting your work as a late breaking abstract.

Please take a moment to read the below guidelines before proceeding to submit your abstract.

Late Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline
20 March 2023


Please take a moment to read the below guidelines before submitting your abstract:


  • All abstracts must be written in English.
  • All abstracts must be submitted on-line through the abstract submission system by deadline 20 March 2023 by 23:59 BST. Abstracts that are sent via e-mail will not be included in the abstract assessment process.
  • Use acronyms only when necessary and define all abbreviations and concepts in your abstract at first use.
  • Always make sure to check the final abstract with the system's preview function before submission, and edit or replace as necessary. It is the author's responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.
  • The submitting and presenting authors are required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before the submission.
  • The presenting author will be required to register for the conference if their abstract is accepted.
  • BPS reserves the right to exclude any abstract from the scientific programme that is not followed by a participant registration.
  • Withdrawal of abstracts is only accepted if notified in writing and subsequently confirmed by the BPS 2022 Meeting Organising Secretariat.
  • An individual can only be presenter for a maximum of 2 posters, although they may be a named author on more posters.
  • For advice on how to submit a successful abstract you may wish to read the article 'Tips for writing a good abstract for the Annual Scientific Meeting’, which can be downloaded here.
  • Only the accepted abstracts of presenting authors who have paid their registration fees by abstract registration deadline will be included in the Scientific Programme.


Ethical Guidelines

Abstracts must conform to the Home Office licence requirements for animal research and to the International Association for the Study of Pain’s ethical guidelines for animal research. To view the IASP guidelines for use of animals in research please click here. To view the guidelines for pain research in humans click here.


Abstract Preparation

  • Category: A main category (see list here) that is relevant for your abstract must be selected during Step 1 of the submission process. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the topics during the abstract assessment process.
  • Presentation type:
    • Poster presentation
  • Institution(s): The institution(s) of the authors should be indicated fully with the "department" and "institution" names while avoiding any abbreviations such as Dept., Inst., Hosp., etc. Please include the City and Country for each institution. (For US, please make sure to enter the country information after the state name).
    The institution, city and country should be written in lower case while the initials of each word are written in capitals.

Enter each affiliation only once: i.e., if there are 5 authors and 3 of whom are from same affiliation and 2 of whom are from another, you will have 2 institutions, NOT 5. However, if there are 2 or more departments at the same institution represented, they can be entered separately.

If any of the authors have more than one affiliation, enter both affiliations in a compounded style as one affiliation: i.e., if there are 5 authors and 2 of whom are from same affiliation (Institute A), 2 of whom are from another (Institute B), and 1 of whom is from both affiliations (Institutes A and B), you will have 3 institutions, NOT 5 or NOT 2. (First institution: Institute A, second one: Institute B and the third one: Institute A & Institute B). Include the City and Country for each affiliation.

  • Author(s):First, middle and last names of all the authors must be fully indicated correctly and in the right order. Please pay attention to match the institutions to the right authors, and make sure that you select the “presenting author” correctly.
  • Presenting Author Information: Please enter the presenting author’s contact information.
  • Abstract Title: Abstract title can contain a maximum of 150 characters.
  • Abstract Text: Scientific abstracts, clinical audits and service evaluations should not exceed 600 words. The title of the abstract, authors' names, institutions and key words are not included in this limit, and those should not be entered in this section.
    Abstract texts should be consisting of four sections given below:

Conclusion - should indicate why the findings are important for people with pain.

  • Keywords: Minimum 1 keyword is required, and maximum 6 keywords can be entered. All keywords should be separated with commas.
  • Images, tables, diagrams and graphs are NOT allowed.
  • Conflict of Interest

Authors must declare if they have any conflict of interests in their poster abstract with selecting Yes/No option.

  • Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
  • Please note your username and password for future use. If you forget this information, please get in contact with the Meeting Organising Secretariat at ( 
  • No edits are allowed after submitting your abstract. If you would like to make any changes to your abstract (allowed until the deadline), please contact

Please ensure that the e-mail address of presenting author is entered correctly to enable the Meeting Organising Secretariat to communicate the presenting author regarding the abstract. All information regarding the acceptance, any required adjustments, and scheduling will be communicated via e-mail to the abstract’s presenting author.

When the submission process is finalised, you will see your abstract under the heading "Submitted Abstracts". If your abstract is not seen there, please kindly turn back and check the steps of your submission. Please be aware that the Scientific Committee will not receive "Not-Submitted Abstracts”, and these therefore CANNOT be taken into consideration in the abstract evaluation process.

Upon submitting of your abstract an e-mail including the "Abstract Number" and "Abstract Title" will be sent to the submitting author.

Evaluation Process and Acceptance Letters

All submitted late breaking abstracts will be scored and pass through an evaluation process after the submission closes.

Only those accepted will be invited to exhibit at the Meeting. You will receive notification confirming whether your abstract has been accepted or declined by 14th April 2023.

The abstract presenting author must be registered for the conference at the latest by 17th April 2022.

Abstracts of unregistered presenting authors who do not complete the registration payment by this deadline will be removed from the final programme.

Reproduction of Poster Abstracts

By submitting an abstract you automatically give us permission to publish your submission as part of a supplement to the British Journal of Pain. Presentation at the ASM indicates your willingness to publicly share your data and note taking or photography of presented materials for personal use by delegates will not be restricted. The British Pain Society will treat your personal data in confidence, but may use them to contact you about the 2023 ASM.

Preparation and Display of Posters 

Posters will be presented as printed posters on poster boards at the 2023 ASM. 


Thank you for submitting your work for consideration. Please contact us directly at, should you have any specific inquiries.





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